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Welcome to the Topretirements Best Places Newsletter for May 4. 

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Boise, Idaho

Many people at Topretirement think Idaho is a great place to retire. It has many attractions, starting with its beautiful outdoor environment. More >>

12 Friendly Places to Retire

If you are looking for fun in retirement, why not choose a place that tries to be extra friendly to retirees. Here are 12 Member picks. More >>

FInd Your Best Place to Retire

Mini-Guide to Ireland Retirement

Retirement in Ireland can be ideal, particularly if you have links to the country. Anyone can stay here part of the year, and others can get permanent residency. More >>


Petoskey, Michigan

This is one of the prettiest towns you will ever see, situated as it is on the east coast of Lake Michigan. The downtown is lovely and there are many nice places to live. More >>

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